The Blog

Welcome to TCC’s Blog! We believe that knowledge is power, especially when it comes to understanding and managing your mental health. Our posts are split up into 4 categories: "Psych Simplified", to break down psychology concepts into digestible pieces; "Connection Chronicles", to explore all things relationships - intimate and platonic; "Inner Insights" to assist you on your journey of self-awareness, and "Resilience Roadmap", a place solely for providing and explaining tools to cope.

Our Blog

Psych Simplified Maryna Chernomorets Psych Simplified Maryna Chernomorets

Understanding PTSD: Your Introductory Guide to Diagnosis, Treatment, and Finding Support in Alberta 

You have probably heard of PTSD but may wonder exactly what it is. Post-traumatic stress disorder, more widely known as PTSD, affects those who have experienced a traumatic event that is shocking, dangerous, and/or scary. Typically, PTSD is diagnosed when someone continues to experience symptoms after the event, such as nightmares, fear, anger,

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