The Cognitive Corner

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The Importance of MENtal Health

Mental Health awareness has been a hot topic, especially in recent years! Men’s mental health is often less talked about, however, equally as important! While research has shown that mental illness is more prevalent in women, men are often less likely to receive a diagnosis and/or needed treatment. There is a lot of stigma around this topic, and we are here to work towards breaking that and share more on its importance!  

The Basics - The State of Men’s Mental Health:  

You might ask yourself, what do we currently know about men’s mental health? Research continues to develop around this, but here are some basics: 

  • About 1 million men in Canada suffer from depression 

  • Approximately 17% of men in Canada reported have indicated fair or poor mental health  

  • Of the approximately 4000 suicides per year in Canada, about 75% are men  

  • Of the people who seek out mental health resources and supports, only about 30% of that is men  

You may also be wondering what some of the mental health issues men suffer from? While this list doesn’t cover all, here are some common ones: 

  • Depression 

  • Anxiety  

  • Stress  

  • Burnout  

Understanding Male Depression:  

As highlighted, approximately 1 million Canadian men suffer from depression. For men, symptoms can often become masked or repressed, and they may not even realize some symptoms are a sign of depression. Here are some signs and symptoms to look out for:  

  • Headaches and/or migraines  

  • Irritability and anger  

  • Fatigue  

  • Withdrawn  

  • Physical pain  

  • Digestive issues and weight change 

  • Reckless behaviour  

  • Mood changes  

Barriers to Men’s Mental Health Support and Resource Options: 

There is a lot of social stigma around this topic when there shouldn’t be. Men often believe that poor mental health is linked to being seen as “weak” or “not masculine” and that they should be able to “tough it out”, which is NOT the case. Seeking support and resources is nothing to be ashamed of and will only help in the long run! 

While there may be less resources available for men specifically, that does NOT mean there is NONE. Research continues to develop, and accessibility to these resources is increasing.  

Resources for Men and Men’s Mental Health:  

  • Canadian Men’s Mental Health Foundation:  

  • HeadsUpGuys:  

  • Buddy Up:  

  • Therapy: there are lots of therapy options available, some that even cater to men’s mental health specifically. Using directories like Psychology Today, Therapy Route, Therapy Tribe, etc. allow you to filter searches based on location and your needs! Setting up free consultations is also a great option to see if you and a therapist are a good fit! The Cognitive Corner offers in-person therapy in Calgary, and virtual services Canada-wide.


Men’s mental health is an important topic, and one that isn’t talked about enough. Having open conversations with trusted individuals can help ensure that men are receiving the care and resources that are necessary in supporting their mental health. Therapy can be a great next step to have open conversations, set goals, and better understand tools and strategies that can help!  


Wanting to explore therapy further? Here at TCC, our therapists are here to help! Utilize the Therapy Matching Tool on our website to get started and book a free 15-minute consultation!  



Men’s Mental Health. CMHA Toronto. (2024, February 22). 

Men’s Mental Health: A Silent Crisis. Manulife. (2023, November 1). 

Parent, A. (2023, January 26). Mental health and men: How to support your loved ones - canadian red cross blog. Canadian Red Cross. 

Men’s mental health and suicide in Canada. Mental Health Commission. (n.d.). 

Men’s Mental Health: How are Canadian men doing? Statistics Canada. (2023, June 12).